Over 100 reading comprehension TASK CARDS for The Watsons Go To Birmingham - 1963! Questions are differentiated and range from basic recall to analysis and evaluation. Students can either give answers orally in whole-class or group settings, or write/type and submit their answers. Includes both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL VERSIONS for Distance Learning and In-Person Classrooms. Answer Key included.
Here are some suggested ways to use these task cards:
- After students have read a particular chapter or set of chapters, use these cards to orally check for understanding. Students can either participate in a class discussion about the answers, or you can have students write their answers down.
- Use in guided reading or Literature Circle groups to check for understanding. Differentiate by giving higher-level groups a set of all of the chapter questions (they can either discuss them, or write their answers down), and giving lower-level groups just a few questions from the chapter or set of chapters to discuss or write down. Students can pass the cards around the table to complete each question you give them.
- Use in partner work. Have students ask each other questions, engaging in discussion about the book.
- Use for review for quizzes and tests. Choose from Popsicle sticks with students’ names and ask the questions orally so that the whole class can review together.
To prepare printed cards, simply copy the task cards onto cardstock paper. These cards will print well either in color or in grayscale. It is recommended that you laminate the cards for long-term use. Cut the cards, following the dotted lines as guides. To keep organized and handy, hole-punch and insert a ring, keep in a recipe box, or use an envelope or baggie.