Emergency substitute plans may well just be a lifesaver. Whether your school administration requires you to submit them or not, it is always a great idea to have a set of emergency sub plans for at least one day (even up to a week's worth) for those times when you have to take time off unexpectedly. Here are some tips for preparing emergency sub plans that will have you breathing a sigh of relief if/when the time comes.
Inspiring students to actually read can be a challenge. Many students choose to take the shortcut and read only the Spark Notes version or watch a YouTube video about the book. But as teachers and lovers of literature, we know this is not the same as reading the original text. Here are some of our favorite practices for getting students to actually do their assigned reading.
Compiled by a bunch of seasoned, veteran teachers, here’s a list of items you should not start school without! Here’s our Practical Teacher School Survival Kit…the 45 things teachers shouldn't be without.
End of the Year Reflections are valuable tool every teacher should use. These reflections will allow teachers to get a more well-rounded idea of how the school year went by asking the students a set of questions to solicit answers and guidance on how to proceed with upcoming year.