No-Prep Hunger Games teaching guide is chock-full of activities, handouts, worksheets, quizzes, tests, projects, and more for teaching The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Over 100 reviews - with a 4.8/5 Star Rating! Designed for as much or as little teacher instruction or intervention as you desire, students will be able to self-direct their study in many cases, making it perfect for in-person or distance learning. Please note, however, that this product is a printable PDF and will need modification for use in Google Classroom.
Jeni C. said: I knew this would be a great resource, but I was not expecting it to be at this magnitude! Wonderful resource, very thorough, and well worth what I paid! Includes lots of directions, activities, quizzes, and assessments. Thanks!
Over 300 pages of ready-to-go materials, including:
- 19 specific Pre-Reading Ideas and Activity Prompts
- Reading: Informational Text-focused activities, including:
- Biography on author Suzanne Collins with corresponding questions
- Article on the Myth of Theseus with corresponding questions
- Notes on Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopia, and Fantasy with corresponding questions
- Historical Context article on Propaganda
- Historical Context article on Roman Influences
- Allusions, Terminology, and Sayings from the novel (defined and explained)
- Vocabulary lists with and without definitions
- List of Characters with explanations
- Note-Taking and Summarizing pages
- Comprehension Check/Study Guide Questions for each Chapter
- Literary Analysis activities with focus on:
- Characterization
- In Medias Res
- Building a Fictional World
- Character Analysis
- Literary Archetypes
- Point of View,
- Conflict
- Character Map
- Map of the Setting
- Inner Thoughts
- Foreshadowing
- Language and Writing standards-based activities with focus on:
- Verb Tenses and Moods
- Coordinate and Cumulative Adjectives
- Etymology
- Author's Purpose
- Writing with Purpose/Concise Word Choice
- Reflective Writing
- Word Choice
- Audience
- Writing Powerful Sentences
- Showing Not Telling
- Three Different "Hands-On/Active" Projects
- Reading and Vocabulary Quizzes
- Two Final Test versions
- Teacher Guide with Sample Agenda
- Summary of the Novel
- Rubrics for Projects Post-Reading Ideas and Alternative Assessment Ideas
- Complete Answer Key
Zoey's Teaching Place (TpT Seller) said: One of the most comprehensive units I have seen on this book. There are plenty of activities to push your high students and enough for the lower ability students. Just perfect for my classroom.