Romeo and Juliet UNIT & TEACHING RESOURCE BUNDLE for teaching Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Everything you need to teach an entire Romeo and Juliet unit - freshly updated and Google Classroom-friendly. Classroom-tested by over 2,000 teachers - with a 4.8/5-Star Rating! SAVE 30% by purchasing the ENTIRE BUNDLE
Here's what Ever Learning (TpT Seller) said about this Romeo and Juliet unit: Wow! This is worth every penny. Contains everything you need to teach R&J at the secondary level. Thank you so much for such an awesome resource!
Shannannagans - Decor and More (TpT Seller) said: This has everything you need to teach Romeo and Juliet. It's a WONDERFUL resource and worked great for my classroom. It's neat, organized, easy to follow and just great. I loved using it. Worth every penny!
In this comprehensive Romeo and Juliet Teaching bundle, you'll get:
Informational Texts and Pre-Reading Activities to engage and inform students about the history and Shakespeare’s works before they even begin reading
❇️ Author Study on William Shakespeare
❇️ Appreciating Shakespeare’s Language Article
❇️ Theater in Shakespeare’s Time Article
❇️ Witches, Superstition & Ghosts in Shakespeare's Theater Informational Text
❇️ Working with Shakespeare's Language Handout, Small Group Activity
❇️ Life in Shakespeare’s Time Article with Questions
❇️ Anticipation/Reaction Pre-Reading and Post-Reading Reflection
❇️ Violence in Shakespeare's Plays Article and Questions
❇️ Iambic Pentameter & the Sonnet Form Quiz
Essentials that include notes, guides, and more to support your unit on Romeo and Juliet
✅ Glossary of Terms, List of Allusions, and Two Vocabulary Lists
✅ Writing Prompts, Journal Topics
✅ Active Reading Note-Taking Act & Scene Guide
Play-based Literary Analysis Activities that support student practice in text analysis and close reading and dig deeper into the play
✴️ Act One: Characterization
✴️ Act One: Elements of Drama
✴️ Act Two: Character Analysis
✴️ Act Two: Figurative Language
✴️ Act Three: Conflict
✴️ Act Three: Plot
✴️ Act Four: Foreshadowing & Prediction
✴️ Act Four: Irony & Puns
✴️ Act Five: Character Conflict & Motive
✴️ Act Five: Theme
❇️ Over 100 Comprehension and Analysis Scene Study Questions
❇️ Two Final Tests - Mixed & Multiple Choice
❇️ Elements of Drama Classroom Poster Set
Candace T. said: I LOVE Secondary Solutions for any novel/play. I feel it provides exactly what I need in terms of background, vocabulary, chapter assignments, and assessments, but also allows me to implement creativity in my own classroom. I don't feel like I have to use everything, but the variety is always perfect...
In both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL VERSIONS for Distance Learning and In-Person Classrooms!