Sarah, Plain and Tall Novel Study Unit contains over 90 pages of no-prep, ready-to-use activities, handouts, vocabulary, chapter questions, quizzes, tests, and more for teaching Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan. Students will be able to self-direct their study in many cases, making it perfect for in-person or distance learning. Includes both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL VERSIONS for Distance Learning and In-Person Classrooms. Save OVER 40% by purchasing the ENTIRE BUNDLE!
Here's what other teachers have to say about this Sarah, Plain and Tall Book Study:
NOTE: This resource was moved from our Elementary TPT store, where it was rated 5/5 Stars!
❤️️ Excellent! More than I expected! THANK YOU SO MUCH! - Susan S.
❤️️ In love with this resource!!! - Alicia S.
❤️️ I've taught Sarah, Plain and Tall for over 15 years, and this unit had a ton of stuff for me to add. The activities presented make it easier for students to understand some difficult concepts. Thanks! - Marilyn V.
❤️️ This is so well done! I can't believe it. It is going to make this novel so much more meaningful to the children, and it is so aligned to the common core. Absolutely worth the money! - Dawn L.
❤️️ This unit is amazing! The kids were so engaged and I loved the activities that extended their thinking and connected to other content areas. - Erin G.