Teach Essay Terms and the Structure of an Essay with ease! These no-prep handouts are perfect for helping your students learn essay terminology and basic 5-paragraph essay structure. Includes a Glossary of Essay Terms to Know, a Graphic Organizer of the Basic 5-Paragraph Essay, blank handouts for students to take notes, an Essay Terms matching Quiz, an Essay Structure Quiz, a Sample Essay with Examples of important parts of the essay, a General Essay Organizer, General Essay Style Guide Checklist, a General Essay Rubric, and Notes for the Teacher. Includes Answer Key for the Quizzes. Perfect for introducing (or reviewing) the basic parts of an essay! 17 pages. Includes both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL VERSIONS for Distance Learning and In-Person Classrooms.
The process of good preparation is extremely important in developing powerful writing skills; however, many teachers tend to skip this important step. Teachers often face the demands of a “product” and rarely take the necessary time to fully prepare their students with the vocabulary and structure they will be working with. Often, teachers in middle or high school expect students to have learned these basics in previous grades and are disappointed when students have not mastered these basic essay writing skills.
Whether your students have or have not been appropriately or adequately prepared previously, it is always good to have everyone on the same page, using the same common terms. In fact, if you choose to continue with Simply Novel's writing programs, it will be necessary for everyone to be working with the same terms and definitions. It is important that students become familiar with these terms, and that they feel confident with the basic “skeleton” of the essay in order to move beyond into the actual construction of the five-paragraph essay. NO PREP, no fluff, no cutesy fonts or juvenile images - perfect for helping middle and high school students learn the important elements of different types of essays!
Taking the time to prepare students fully will pay dividends in the end—guaranteed.
This product includes:
- Glossary of Essay Writing Terminology (title, body paragraph, details, audience, purpose, flow, etc.)
- Essay Writing Terminology Blank (for student notes)
- Sample Student Essay (with important parts labeled, i.e. grabber, thesis, topic sentences, etc. so students have a real-world example to refer to)
- Five-Paragraph Essay Structure Graphic Organizer (graphic organizer of the simple five-paragraph essay format)
- Essay Structure Graphic Organizer blank (for student notes)
- Quiz on Essay Terminology and Structure (21 matching terms and complete the graphic organizer with the parts of the structure)
- General Essay Organizer Graphic Organizer
- General Essay Style Guide Student Checklist
- General Essay Rubric (for formal or peer assessment of any essay)
Perfect for writing workshops, centers, and whole-class or small-group instruction! Once students have memorized these basic terms and general structure, you can
begin to go further in-depth with each term, practicing identifying and writing key
elements of the essay, like titles, grabbers, topic sentences, thesis statements,
focus statements, and challenges.