Esperanza Rising Novel Unit - standards-aligned Teaching Guide includes comprehension questions, writing activities, literary analysis, vocabulary and grammar exercises, quizzes, tests, and more. Printable PDF included will need modification for use in Google Classroom.
This Esperanza Rising Teaching Guide includes:
Texts and Pre-Reading Activities to engage students and to support and introduce themes and context before reading
✴️ Pre-Reading Ideas and Activities List
✴️ Informational Focus: Author Biography with Corresponding Questions
✴️ Pre-Reading Informational Focus on Historical Fiction
✴️ Historical and Cultural Focus: Gallery Walk
✴️ KWL Chart: The 1930s
✴️ Glossary of Allusions and Spanish Sayings
✴️ Vocabulary Lists, with and without definitions
✴️ Character List
✴️ Active Reading Guide for Note-Taking for each section
✴️ Comprehension and Analysis Questions on Characters and Plot for each section
Novel-based Literary Analysis Activities that support student practice in text analysis and close reading and dig deeper into the text, specifically, activities on:
✳️ Personification
✳️ Point of View
✳️ Theme
✳️ Character Growth
✳️ Irony
Novel-based Writing Activities that support student practice, specifically on:
✳️ Outlines
✳️ Social Media Project
✳️ Thematic Statements
✳️ Analyzing Character Traits
✳️ Researching Farm Workers
Novel-based Language and Vocabulary Activities that support student practice, specifically on:
✳️ Denotation/Connotation
✳️ Verbs
✳️ Connotation in Context
✳️ Ellipsis
✳️ Metaphors
✴️ Reading Quizzes for each section
✴️ Vocabulary Quizzes for each section
✴️ 2 Final Exams, one entirely multiple choice
✴️ Vocabulary Test
✴️ Websites and Resources for further student research
✴️ Sample Agenda
✴️ Notes to the Teacher
✴️ Post-Reading and Extension Ideas
✴️ Essay and Writing Ideas
✴️ Two Project Rubrics
✴️ Response to Literature Rubric
✴️ Summary of the Novel
✴️ Answer Key
Here's what customers are saying about this Esperanza Rising Novel Study:
❤️️ Our class loved using this literature guide as we read through this book. Very well written and common core aligned! - Amy G.
❤️️ Heaven sent! This is exactly what I was looking for! It is so closely aligned to core standards and so similar to a core test! I'm thrilled to use it this term. - Valori L.
❤️️ This unit plan is amazing! It has saved me so much time planning and has much more engaging lessons than I ever could have come up with on my own! Thank you for making my life easier and my literature class better! - Anne S.
❤️️ Simply Novel is my "go-to" for novel resources. I choose the novel I am going to teach based on whether or not Simply Novel has a compatible guide!! I currently have 11 in my cache!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! - Jayne W.
❤️️ This is a great supplement that I have been able to use with the novel. I have used these resources in the past for many novels!! Great activities for each "chunk" of chapters! - Michael B.
❤️️ Totally worth the money. My students really enjoyed this novel study...I loved the gallery walk at the beginning of the unit! - Jessica C.
❤️️ Excellent source that incorporates informational text. This is very much CCSS aligned. I don't have to look for other resources to implement into this unit! - Tiffany C.
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