Four Sentence Types, Fragments, Subjects, Predicates Handouts and Worksheets
Four Sentence Types, Fragments, Subjects, Predicates Handouts and Worksheets
Four Sentence Types, Fragments, Subjects, Predicates Handouts and Worksheets
Four Sentence Types, Fragments, Subjects, Predicates Handouts and Worksheets
Four Sentence Types, Fragments, Subjects, Predicates Handouts and Worksheets

Four Sentence Types, Fragments, Subjects, Predicates Handouts and Worksheets

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Do your students struggle with sentence fragments, or identifying subjects and predicates? Do they need a little support in identifying types of sentences? Give them extra practice with these ready-to-go worksheets!

This product includes:

  • one-page lesson handout on simple sentence structure
  • one-page practice worksheet having students identify what question the fragment leaves unanswered
  • one-page practice in which students are challenged to identify what is missing from the fragment (whether subject, predicate, both, or neither).
  • one-page lesson handout on the different types of sentences (interrogative, declarative, exclamatory, imperative)
  • one-page practice identifying sentence types

Perfect for a simple introduction, mini-lesson, or review practice! 8 pages total; includes Answer Keys. Includes both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL VERSIONS for Distance Learning and In-Person Classrooms.

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