Totem Poles Informational Text Comparison Activity
Totem Poles Informational Text Comparison Activity
Totem Poles Informational Text Comparison Activity
Totem Poles Informational Text Comparison Activity
Totem Poles Informational Text Comparison Activity

Totem Poles Informational Text Comparison Activity

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Two informational text articles on Totem Poles! Students read two different articles - "Totem Poles - Beautiful Stories in Wood" and "Totem Poles of Southeast Alaska and Canada" and are taken through a graphic organizer and series of questions to compare and contrast these two texts on the same subject. Students are challenged to analyze the author's purpose, images, and structure for effectiveness. 6 pages; Answer Key included.

 Use as an accompaniment to text such as Touching Spirit Bear, or as a supplemental activity for your Social Studies unit. Extend the activity to have students draw their own totem pole representation (not included).

Includes both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL VERSIONS for Distance Learning and In-Person Classrooms.

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