Romeo and Juliet unit plan bundle of 10 awesome Literary Analysis skills practice worksheets on Elements of Drama, Characterization, Irony & Puns, Foreshadowing & Prediction, Figurative Language, Character Analysis, Character Motive, Plot, Conflict, and Theme! Help students DIG DEEPER into the play while practicing essential Common Core skills of literary analysis with these handy activities for each act! Answer Keys included.
- Act One: 3-page activity on Characterization, as students analyze an excerpt, what is learned about each character and why it is important to the story so far; a 3-page activity on Elements of Drama, as students identify the type of excerpt and how it is used within the dramatic text
- Act Two: 3-page activity on Character Analysis, having students complete a graphic organizer, digging deeper into each character based on a quote or excerpt of the text, a 3-page activity on Figurative Language, having students identify the figure of speech and analyze excerpts from the text.
- Act Three: 3-page activity on Conflict, as students analyze the type of conflict and the effect on the play; 2-page activity on Plot, as students plot the events in order.
- Act Four: 3-page activity on Irony & Puns, as students identify an excerpt, then explain the use and effect for the reader; 3-page activity on Foreshadowing & Prediction, having students identify what is being foreshadowed, based on excerpts, then make predictions from important lines of the text.
- Act Five: 2-page activity on Character Conflict & Motive, as students complete table for specific characters on their conflicts and motivations; 2-page activity on Theme, as students identify a possible theme based on direct quotes from the text that exemplify specific themes, then find examples of themes from the text
- Includes Answer Keys
Includes both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL VERSIONS for Distance Learning and In-Person Classrooms.