1984 Novel Study Literary Analysis lessons for Part One of 1984 by George Orwell: includes 5 different Literary Analysis activities for helping your students work specifically on digging deep into the novel, including worksheets and activities Irony and Motifs, Social and Historical Parallels, Mind Control and Psychological Manipulation, and Symbolism! Answer Keys included.
Includes both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL VERSIONS for Distance Learning and In-Person Classrooms.
- 2-page activity on Irony and Motifs, having students complete chart having students analyze the numerous instances of irony in Part One, as well as complete a basic graphic organizer with textual examples of the motif of Urban Decay
- 1-page activity on Social and Historical Parallels, as students find quotes from the text that illustrate the textual parallel to actual historical events and references
- 1-page activity on Mind Control and Psychological Manipulation, as students complete a graphic organizer with textual examples from the novel to illustrate the theme of mind control and manipulation
- 2-page activity on Symbolism, as students identify passages in the novel to illustrate numerous symbols, explaining the symbolism
- Includes Answer Keys