Charlotte's Web Book Study - A complete BUNDLE OF RESOURCES (over 100 printable plus over 200 digital pages plus Answer Key) for teaching Charlotte's Web by E.B. White! Everything you need to teach an entire unit - freshly updated and Google Classroom-friendly. SAVE 30% by purchasing the ENTIRE BUNDLE! Includes both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL VERSIONS for Distance Learning and In-Person Classrooms!
Here's what Lindsey H. said about this unit:
I love using real books with my students in the classroom. I find that reading real books is more engaging and they learn more from the experience than using basal readers. The Simply Novel book studies are wonderful and I've used them for years.
Svitlana J.: This resource is JUST AMAZING!!! The activities attached to each section are so versatile, fully relate to the text and cover so many different ELA learning standards. So much better than just your "comprehension questions" packages sold here. I can't praise it enough!!
Jenifer S.: This was a life-saver for my hybrid classroom. I have both in-person & distance learners, so finding materials that work for both groups is amazing!
In this comprehensive Charlotte’s Web Teaching bundle, you'll get:
Informational Texts and Pre-Reading Activities to engage students and to support and introduce themes before reading, as well as offer essential foundational work
❇️ Anticipation/Reaction Reflection & Discussion Guide
❇️ Author Study on author E.B. White
❇️ Informational Text Article on Spiders
❇️ Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Novel Summary
❇️ Two Vocabulary Lists & List of Unique Novel Terms
Novel-based Literary Analysis & Language Standards-Based Activities that support student practice in text analysis and close reading and dig deeper into the text and support student practice in standards-based grammar and language activities
✴️ Using Context Clues
✴️ Setting
✴️ Commas
✴️ Quotation Marks
✴️ Character Traits
✴️ Writing Complete Sentences
✴️ Comparing Texts
✴️ Making Inferences
✴️ Prefixes
✴️ Homophones
✴️ Similes and Metaphors
✴️ Character Development
✴️ Theme
❇️ Over 120 Comprehension Questions with Reading Comprehension Task Cards
❇️ Reading Quizzes by Chapter
❇️ Two Final Tests: Print & Digital Self-Grading
In both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL VERSIONS for Distance Learning and In-Person Classrooms!