A Midsummer Night's Dream Play Study Note-Taking Scene Guides
A Midsummer Night's Dream Play Study Note-Taking Scene Guides
A Midsummer Night's Dream Play Study Note-Taking Scene Guides
A Midsummer Night's Dream Play Study Note-Taking Scene Guides
A Midsummer Night's Dream Play Study Note-Taking Scene Guides

A Midsummer Night's Dream Play Study Note-Taking Scene Guides

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A Midsummer Night's Dream Note-Taking Scene Guides to help connect students with the text and keep track of their reading! Note-Taking Guide provided for each Act, divided by scene. Students keep track of characters, action, problem or solution, with an explanation of problem or solution for each scene, and making a prediction for each act. Help students to keep track of their reading notes and appreciate the nuances of A Midsummer Night's Dream as they read!

Includes both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL VERSIONS for Distance Learning and In-Person Classrooms.

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